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Recycling Tips and Mistakes to Learn From

Do you feel like your recycling efforts don’t really help save the planet? If so, we’re sure you feel guilty about not recycling enough and perhaps have made some common mistakes.

Recycling is a crucial part of our society and environment, so there’s no need to feel bad. In our well-intentioned efforts, there’s a lot that can go wrong. Let’s look at some recycling tips and common mistakes people make when recycling.

Not Knowing What Can Be Recycled

One of the most common mistakes people make is not knowing what to recycle. This can lead to contamination of the recycling stream, which can make it difficult to process materials.

Check with your local waste management authority to find out what can and cannot be recycled in your area.

Putting Plastic Bags in the Recycling Bin

Many people assume that plastic bags can be recycled along with other plastics, but this is not the case. Plastic bags can clog up recycling equipment and damage machinery, so they should not be placed in the recycling bin.

Instead, bring them to a grocery store that has a plastic recycling program.

Not Cleaning or Sorting Recyclables

Items that are not clean or are mixed with non-recyclable items can be rejected by recycling facilities.

Make sure to clean and sort items before placing them in the recycling bin. Doing this will also prevent pests from being attracted to the contaminated items.

Contaminating the Recycling Stream

Putting non-recyclable items like food, liquids, or hazardous waste in the recycling bin can contaminate the entire recycling stream. This can cause problems for recycling facilities and lead to increased waste and higher costs.

Make sure to properly dispose of these items instead.

Wishful Recycling

Wishful recycling is the act of putting items in the recycling bin that are not actually recyclable. This can cause problems for recycling facilities and lead to contamination of the recycling stream.

Before putting your garbage out for collection, make sure you are adequately informed and educated on how the garbage and recycling service works in your area. If you’re not sure whether an item can be recycled, don’t assume that it can be.

Not Breaking Down Cardboard Boxes, Cans, and Bottles

Large cardboard boxes should be broken down before being placed in the recycling bin. This makes it easier to transport and process the material. Leaving boxes intact can take up valuable space in the recycling bin and make it difficult to collect other recyclables.

Cans and bottles can take up a lot of space in the recycling bin, so it’s important to crush them to save space. This also makes it easier to transport the materials and reduces the amount of space they take up in the recycling truck.

Not Recycling Electronics

Electronics contain valuable materials that can be reused, but they are often discarded in the trash. Make sure to recycle your old electronics instead.

Many electronics retailers offer free recycling programs, and there are also e-waste recycling centers that will accept electronics for recycling.

Learn From These Recycling Tips and Avoid Making Common Mistakes

Recycling is an important part of keeping Earth clean and livable. We each have an obligation to be educated on correct environmental practices and to spread the word regarding these important issues. Learning from these recycling tips and mistakes will help us all work together for the betterment of our planet.

Start now by finding resources for information and taking action to protect the environment.

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