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How to Clean Water: The Science Behind Clean Drinking Water

Water is one of the fundamental substances of life. We get our daily water from fruits and vegetables, while the remainder comes from drinking water.

Why is water so vital to our existence? The answer stems from how to clean water. While we can use chemicals to purify game water, even highly treated water can pick up contaminants when we drink it.

The secret to safe drinking water lies in the science behind it. To learn more, keep reading to explore the properties of drinking water that protect us from contaminants.


Boiling water kills any bacteria, viruses, and parasites and leaves it safe for human consumption. Before boiling, it is best to allow the water to settle to make sure that any sediment or particles can be removed from the top layer of water.

To ensure that the water is safe, the water must be boiled for at least 1 minute at a full rolling boil. This will guarantee the removal of any microorganisms and the disinfection of the water. Boiled water can be consumed as is, or it can be stored for later use in a clean container with a tight lid.


Water distillation is the process of purifying water by evaporating it and condensing the vapor back into liquid form. This method of purification is often used for drinking water. This process works by heating water in a container so that the water vaporizes, leaving behind solid and liquid elements.

As it evaporates, the steam is filtered and then collected in a separate vessel. The vapor condenses and is collected as pure water. Distillation is effective at eliminating most suspended contaminants, harmful microorganisms, and dissolved minerals, which makes it a reliable source of pure drinking water.

Chemical Purification

Chemical purification involves adding certain chemicals to water, such as chlorine or algaecides, to kill or neutralize organisms and particles. Chemical purification is a simple and cost-effective way to purify water. It is particularly suitable for areas where more sophisticated equipment is not available.

Installing a Backflow Preventer

Installing a backflow preventer helps to protect and maintain clean water. The backflow preventer works by denying any backward flow of water or pollutants.

The science behind this involves harnessing the natural properties of water. Its tendency to move from higher areas to lower areas, thus denying the backward flow of unwanted contaminants.

Ultraviolet Light Exposure

Through exposure to ultraviolet light, the water is free of most microbes, viruses, and bacteria. The light exposure creates a disinfection process that destroys the cell membranes of these contaminants.

Ultraviolet exposure is an environmentally friendly method as it does not require a large amount of energy and produces only limited byproducts.

How to Clean Water for Safe Drinking

Investing in and enacting global infrastructure improvements that protect water sources and purification systems for clean drinking water is crucial for sustainable living. Put forth the effort to become informed on these practices and be proactive on how to clean water for safe consumption.

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